
  Public Ticket #1307647
How to join Seller collection with Product collection


  • Harinarayanan started the conversation

    Hello Team,

    I need to get the Seller name along with product list. To accomplish this, I joined the product collection with lof_marketplace_seller table:  Please see my code here :
    But  i'm not able to get the seller_name using $value->getData('seller_name').

    Can you please tell me how to get the seller name along with product list

  •  1,317
    Land of replied


    Please change 

    foreach ($collection->getData() as $value) {    $sellerName = $value['seller_name'];    ................

  • Harinarayanan replied

    That works. Thank you very much :)

    I don't know why magneto dev docs not explaining the use of it's inner functions.

  •  1,317
    Land of replied


    Yes,If you have any questions, just ask me


  • Harinarayanan replied

    Okay. Thank you.

  • Priti replied


    I have joined product collection with a custom table. From this i am getting product_id, seller_p_id(id of product assigned to seller), seller_id, and few more values.

    Now i want to load customer data using seller_id(it is a customer id) to get customer name. please some tell me how to join these tables. I am very confused with the magento 2 joins.

    here is the snippet of my join code:

    /* Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory as ProductCollection; */

            $collectionData = $productCollection->create();
            $joinConditions = 'e.entity_id = marketplace_product.mageproduct_id';

  •  1,317
    Land of replied

    Hello Priti,

    Have a nice day!

    Please try to use the code:

    /* Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory as ProductCollection; */

    $collectionData = $productCollection->create();

    $joinConditions = 'e.entity_id = marketplace_product.mageproduct_id';

     it will join left to table marketplace_product, then get the columns: seller_id, you can get all columns of the seller table by join left to the marketplace seller table, with join condition is seller_id.