
  Public Ticket #1075177
Compile error


  •  2
    Blake started the conversation

    I am getting this error when running magento deploy:mode:set production or  magento setup:di:compile on Magento EE 2.1.5

    It looks like its related to Megamenu and Pagebuilder... Is there new versions of these extension I should install or is this another error?

    Errors during compilation:
            Incorrect dependency in class Ves\Megamenu\Block\Adminhtml\Renderer\Fieldset\Editor in /Users/kylewilliams/Sites/sustainablesupply/app/code/Ves/Megamenu/Block/Adminhtml/Renderer/Fieldset/Editor.php
    \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface already exists in context object
            Incorrect dependency in class Ves\PageBuilder\Helper\Data in /Users/kylewilliams/Sites/sustainablesupply/app/code/Ves/PageBuilder/Helper/Data.php
    \Magento\Framework\UrlInterface already exists in context object
    Total Errors Count: 2

  •  1,319
    Land of replied

    Hi Blake,

    Please try to update the latest version of Ves_PageBuilder, Ves_Megamenu, then check the compile problem. If not, send me a SSH account, admin account, i will check and fix the problem.

  •  2
    Blake replied

    How do I find the latest version of the modules I have purchased?

  •  2
    Blake replied

    I found the newest versions in my account and all if fixed. thanks!

  •  1,319
    Land of replied

    Hi Mate,

    Great. I close this ticket. Feel free submit ticket when you need help. Have a nice work day.