How to upgrade Megamenu Normal -> Megamenu Pro and Import Menu
"I am currently using Megamenu-normal version, Now we upgrade the version to Pro, so how can we upgrade it and be able to copy the menus we previously created in Megamenu-normal version to Megamenu Pro version?"
** Upgrade Normal -> Pro **
Please try to follow steps:
Step 1:
- Download Megamenu Pro version and extract it to Ves . folder
Step 2: Run magento2 commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:clean
chmod -R 0777 var pub generated
** If you used the normal version and upgraded to Pro, want to copy the menu from the normal version to pro: **
Step 1:
- Go to admin Dashboard -> VENUSTHEME -> Setup -> Export

Step 2:
- input name file export

- Select the menu to export

--> Export the file
Step 3:
- After exporting the file from the old version, we proceed to upgrade from the normal -> Pro version
- Once the update is complete, we proceed to Import the exported file:
- Go to admin Dashboard -> VENUSTHEME -> Setup -> Import

and import the exported file